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The recent times have seen a increasing loss in marine life. This project explores a method of restoration of coral reefs in Guangdong, China.

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The Final Semester Design Thesis required students to research, develop a brief and work on a project of their choices. I chose to conduct my research on International Airport Terminals.

Transparence 2018 introduced a competition-themed "The Business Plan" for students to approach the challenge of designing on a Macro and Micro Level. 

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A Sixth Semester design project requiring students to work on a pre-defined Design Brief. The first time students work using Building Code and Byelaws on this scale.

In the year 2017, Second Semester students were required to design a bungalow for the college Vice-President and his family. The design took the first step in understanding the context of the site that is the Manipal University Jaipur academic and hostel block.

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Parametric Design solutions are now becoming a major part of design projects around the world. Understanding that computers can better process and analyze given data to provide efficient results lead to developing a keen interest in this field.

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