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Concept Development Stage

Every design begins with the understanding of a few important aspects:

1. Guiding principles for the concept.

2. Spatial arrangement of various functions.


The most important part of this stage and the one that needs to be strictly followed is the Zoning and Spatial Arrangement. As airport terminals are spaces where the slightest of mistakes can have massive effects on passenger experience and airport operations.


1. The 'Passenger Density Model' shows how the passengers are distributed throughout the terminal level, this helps define clear user routes and allocate functions accordingly avoiding mass gathering functions in denser areas.

2. Understanding noise levels created by such massive machines and equipment and how they can be managed is also a driving factor.

3. The 'Permissible Ground Coverage' spans ~1400m and has been divided into a grid of 20m x 20m before clearly defining zones. 

Adjacency Matrix helps define the relationship with spaces while the Area Programme clearly informs about the area allocated to every function

*To see the 'Area Programme' refer to the Project Report

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